The Greta Thunberg “Blah Blah Blah” Video

In the above video , Greta Thunberg slams world leaders and addresses their claims of a greener future as false and half-hearted. By using the term “blah-blah-blah” in jest she imitates the leaders that she is accusing of false promises and ignorance to climate change.

The video has more dislikes than likes which portrays how a lot of the general public, particularly some young people, feel towards Thunberg. There are some very harsh comments directed at Thunberg in the comment section of the video, with many slandering her, this is mainly because a lot of people dislike Thunberg and what she stands for, however, this does not mean she does not have a following, which she does.

Thunberg clearly conveys the eagerness of a fraction of our generation and how she, as well as they wish for a greener, cleaner and overall better future for the coming generations.

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