
My Ident Research

When researching my ident, I looked to the classics for inspiration. BBC Two idents of the 1990’s inspired me to make something bordering on the avant-garde and create something that would make people ask questions about what an ident really is and what it has the potential to be, especially in the present day. y ident has had to be significantly cut down in order to make It a suitable length and certain aspects of the ident have had to be tampered with. When in production, the ident was very heavily produced and my ambition created scenes in abundance, scenes of which we simply do not have enough time to all compose into one ident and have it a comprehensible piece of media work.

When doing my ident research, I created a survey using SurveryMonkey to see what my peers thought about TV idents and more importantly, what they would like to see. The results were generally in favour of entertaining and attention-grabbing idents that would keep the viewer engaged and interested, especially due to the dwindling attention span of the post-millennial generation.

The route I went for was certainly experimental, I wanted to confuse, yet captivate my viewer and make them think “I’d like to see more of what Strode’s media students are up to if its along these lines!” My ident draws a lot of attention to media studies in particular, due to the fact that I wanted to showcase just how imaginative and creative we can be in spite of the fact that we have curriculums to stick to, for this does not hinder our creative performance one bit.

You could almost call my ident a publicity stunt of sorts, something that made little to no sense but certainly kept the viewer interested due to surrealism, effects, interesting characters and a short and simple storyline. I was told that my ident almost seemed like a short-film and I cannot say I disagree, and this is why changes have to be made for the final product. I do believe it is safe to say that I did indeed get carried away in the creative flow.

I made sure to do my research on effective shots because the goal above all was, to captivate with obscurity. Extreme close-ups, POV shots and establishing shots were all used to create a more fleshed out ident with some exquisite camera work by my classmate Harrison Kelly who helped to create some fantastic shots from all angles and using a variety of techniques which contributed greatly to the ident being as well-done as it was.

Strangely enough, though not a fan the genre, I took inspiration from horror films when it came to shooting the ident. The reason for this is due to the fact that horror films are very good at shooting a protagonist and making them appear weak/frail/powerless through shots from above which create a sense of inferiority and make the protagonist appear small, as well as tracking shots which make it appear as though the protagonist is being watched, something which strikes fear into many people. The ident has an uncanny feel to it and aims to be a slightly scary and psychologically-challenging piece, because I wanted to showcase my ability by using an ident which conveyed my wide-variety of ideas and what I can bring to a project, but of course none of this could have been possible had I not done the substantial amount of research that I did.

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