What I Learnt Using Adobe After Effects

Today, on the 17th November 2021, I used Adobe After Effects to edit and adjust a selection of images and videos as provided by Adobe and by the College. Here is what I achieved;

Above: A screen grab of my version of an ident of sorts.

I was given a very basic-looking ident and learnt effects with the help of my educator as well as some videos provided by Adobe for those new to the software.

I used mirror, distortion, text and colour effects to adjust the ident to my liking and once this was completed, we moved onto altering an image of an owl vector image.

After effects is a relatively easy software to use and can help you to create and edit and ident in the main production phases. The above template was good practice however after effects was not considered in the end as the ident relied more on practical filming than post-filming editing.

The distorted image above is relative to the strange and obscure 2 minute uncut ident which I ended up with after filming, complete with bizarre effects and an ominous nature. The ident has since been cut down to 14 seconds, but even so there are traces of the original concept in the above image.

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