My Ident Survey

During the pre-production phase of our ident, the students and members of staff in the level 3 media course composed surveys to hear the opinions of the class and see what sort of idents interests which type of people.

I used the questions above to find out more information about TV idents and what our media class is interested in. The results of my particular survey have unfortunately not survived past when they were made. However, the results were mainly in favour of entertaining and informative idents.

The results of the class survey are still available, and convey the general tastes and preferences of the class, with many varying answers and points of view. Judging from the results, the class tend to believe as a modal value that brand identity is more important than how entertaining an ident is, which is completely understandable because as media students we want the ident to be as effective as possible and so we see showcasing the brand identity as the highest imperative when it comes to making an ident.\

Above are all of the results.
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The collection of results from the survey indicate that there are a multitude of different opinions when it comes to what makes a good ident. Clearly, the students in my media class have many unique viewpoints and ideas and thus lead to the great amount of colourful, unique and diverse idents that were eventually conceived.

There are some interesting points to take away from the survey, for example when the students were asked which aspects of the video that they would like included in the ident, educational, informative and entertaining were the most popular aspects in the survey which the students wanted to see in an ident. Logically speaking, this is the best combination for an ident and I believe that the three aspects combined create a good ident.

YouTube dominated the results when the question posed was about what type of media that the students consumed, which tells us that YouTube has been the leading competitor when it comes to the entertainment industry for British people aged between (16-19). This is expected and this is good research regarding the most effective service for the ident to be streamed on which would’ve been YouTube as StrodeTV was the channel which would showcase the said ident and so this was excellent news to the class.

These results well convey the general taste of the class and what interests the vast majority of the 20-25 people there. This was very important research for the ident project and the results provided were substantial and useful for helping the producers (students) making the ident, get a better idea of what they were required to do to make a good ident.

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