Interactive Video Risk Assessment and Location Recce

The Risk Assessment

There are a multitude of risks that are present in a salon, with sharp tools, electrical equipment and chemicals present, a lot can go wrong. Below is a risk assessment to provide health and safety insight into producing a more safely-made and thoughtfully carried-out interactive video.

Potential Risks:

The Location Recce

The location for our interactive video/interview shall be the hairdressing salon of Strode College, which is located in the A Block of the college, situated near other classrooms for similar courses, such as the beauty salon upstairs and the barbers next-door.

The salon is a professional and neat environment, perfect for filming our interview. The salon is not however, the most practical environment to be carrying out an interview, with the reason being that even though the salon is in the college, the salon is still a salon and thus, appointments can be made by anyone and during appointments or when clients are being seen to, it can be difficult to secure an interview as the clients are not to be disturbed and on top of that, this will often mean that staff and students alike are occupied.

During hands on and heavily practical lessons, the salon is also out of bounds as the students are required to listen and to pay attention to the tutor who will most likely be doing a hands-on demonstration of the tasks, methods and techniques required of the students for their upcoming practical assignment.

When available however, the salon is a superb place for an interview and can provide you with one of the best mise-en-scenes possible in the college, due to the fact that the practical work is very visible and easy to pick up on. For example, history would involve students writing, and this does not make for a very interesting mise-en-scene and also does not visibly set the course apart from any others. However, when it comes to hairdressing, the viewer is treated to a marvellous mise-en-scene of hardworking students cutting and styling hair to the best of their ability, looking focused and committed to the task at hand.

Above is a rough overview of what the salon looks like with the main focus being on the works stations as they are the prime areas of potential risks and hazards.

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