My Interactive Video Proposal

My Video Concept

In my interactive video, I propose a tasteful and simplistic interview with commercially-appeasing features such as an excellent mise-en-scene, important information and a convincingly-edited video segment.

My interactive video will be filmed in the active classroom of the course I have been tasked with researching, with students going about their work, while I speak with the tutor of the course as well as a student, and ask them questions about the course. Only the answers are to be included in the final video and I am aim for the final product to be at a length of around one and a half minutes at most.

My Target Audience

My target audience is of course, potential hairdressing students and in particular, those interested in enrolling at Strode College. It is because of this that I have tried to make certain elements of the video more appealing to my supposed target audience, by paying attention to aspects such as the music used in the video, the mise-en-scene, the style of the motion-graphics and on a related note, the style of the font used in the video as well. My target audience is potential students of the course, and so this would encompass anyone of 16-19 years of age, regardless of sex/gender of whom are hopefully from the MENDIP area. I should hope that my ident proves enticing for the target audience, should they of course be interested in enrolling onto the course at Strode College.

Creating The Interactive Video

During filming, a Canon 550D DSLR camera was used, as well as lapel microphones and some lighting kit as well as a tripod for the camera. This requires a small crew to accompany me when filming the interactive video. Motion graphics are to be implemented into the video and conversations with the staff of the course as well as the receptionist of the hairdressing course are required in pre-production to build a good working relationship with the hairdressing course students and staff, as well as clarify dates and times and make for an organised production schedule.


As for the research regarding the hairdressing course for the interactive video, I referred to Strode College’s website to learn more about the course and what good talking points for the interactive video would be. I also used the internet to learn more about the availability of jobs in the industry, and other factors of the same topic such as salary, job roles and job climate. Speaking of the employment climate, I learnt that jobs in the hairdressing industry are in decline with roughly 2,000 being lost in two years. One could blame the recent pandemic and thus the lockdowns for the failures of certain hairdressing businesses as well as the laying-off of employees in the industry. During this time, I learnt of the courses that students could succeed onto should they pass the course, as well as potential career options for the students once they complete the course. The research proved profoundly useful in giving me an insight into a course that previously, I was very unfamiliar with.


With regards to production, the plan is relatively simple. All that is required is for the head of level 3 hairdressing, Paula Bailey to be present, along with one of her students whom shall be interviewed separately to provide a viewpoint from the tutor, as well as one from the student, to add depth to the interactive video. The filming shall take place in the hairdressing salon, preferably when work is being done, to create a good mise-en-scene. I feel that should all the elements I require come together, I shall have a very good interactive video prepared.


Overall, I am optimistic about my video and I believe that it will be an informative, substantial and high-quality production, which will provide information to parents and students alike, and hopefully prove enticing to my target audience. The interactive video will be a professionally produced, in-depth and charming production, which I hope will accurately and positively represent the course as well as the college.

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