Shortcomings in Professional Practice

There have certainly been times where I have lacked professional practice during my time in college and on this course and these mistakes have cost me dearly at times. During this particular interactive project, there have absolutely been moments of uncertainty and amateurish behaviour from myself and groups I have worked in.

During pre-production, there was a severe lack of written input from myself, this in turn meant I was left with little evidence and not much in the way of a plan. This compromised production as everything felt rushed and while I was eventually able to do what I set out to do, the pre-production process could have and should have went a lot smoother.

During the negotiation period between myself and the people from Level 3 Hairdressing, communication was less than smooth, I found myself not sending emails soon enough and not replying briskly enough either. This dragged out the process of securing a time and date, and even lead to a cancelled first interview when our times simply did not line up, due to poor planning from myself.

Once on sight, during the actual interview, we were all eager to get the interviews underway, upon arrival, this lead to me and my group calling over the interviewees before we had set all of our media kit up. This lead to the interviewees having to wait around five minutes before they would actually be able to give any substantial contribution and also made us look slightly unprofessional.

I feel that eventually, all of the above issues were rectified and I would consider the final production a success. Even if this is the case however, I know that I can build off of my recent experiences and enhance my abilities in media and thus improve my professional practice as my course becomes more and more challenging, with the final project of the college year right around the corner.

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