Interactive Video Script and Storyboard

The Script

When it comes to the script, I have some very simple yet very open-ended questions for my interviewees;

When interviewing the student, I shall ask them the following questions;

“What should people expect from your course?”

“What do you focus on in your course?”

“What made you want to enrol onto your current course?”

I believe the above to be professional and acceptable questions to ask.

When interviewing the tutor, I shall ask them the following questions;

“What is it that you teach at Strode College?”

“What do you get your students to focus on?”

“What do you enjoy about teaching this course?”

The script is very brief as the segment is an interview, and thus most of the talking is done by the interviewees. My voice, when asking the questions, cannot be heard in the final cut, as I see it as unnecessary and ultimately useless in such a brief and rapid-fire video in terms of communication and delivery of information.

The Storyboard

Shot by shot, the storyboard should be as follows;

The opening shot is of the student, explaining what people can expect from Level 3 Hairdressing. We then cut to a shot of the head tutor of level 3 hairdressing Paula Bailey, explaining what she teaches on the course. The next shot is of the student explaining what it is that the students focus on, during this monologue, there is a a pan-shot of the classroom showing the students doing practical work. We then cut back to the student as she finishes explaining what it is that the students focus on in her course.

To break away from the initial shots, there is a very short shot of some of the equipment used by the students, including brushes and combs of multiple sizes, which helps to convey the professionalism of the course, showing that the students have access to high-quality equipment. We then cut back to a shot of the head tutor, explaining what it is that the students focus on in the course. During this monologue, we cut to a shot of the ‘Loreal Official Partners 2021’ sticker on the door, which helps to convey the professionalism of the course and prove that they have excellent facilities for a potential hairdresser to study. Also during the monologue, we cut to a shot of a student at work, then back to the tutor talking about the course and then back to a student working on a dummy and a wig.

During the dummy and wig shot, the audio changes as the audio from the interview with the student is then played as the conversation with the tutor regarding what it is that the students focus on has concluded. The student then talks about what made her want to enrol onto the course and while she explains this, we then cut to another shot of the students doing practical hairdressing work and while we are focused on this, the tutor then answers the question of what she enjoys about teaching the course and with that, we cut to two final shots of the students doing practical work, as the video ends.

Above: My Sketched Storyboard.

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