QR Code Research

What are QR Codes?

QR codes are links to websites, videos and more which are accessible by using a smartphone camera and getting the QR code into shot. The QR code is then recognised and the user has the option to click on the link and visit the website or video that the QR code is linked to.

What are we using QR Codes for?

For the interactive video project, the creative media studies level 3 college class has been tasked with using QR codes to provide links to our interactive videos, links which will be accessible through the QR codes on the posters that we were also tasked with making.

How are QR Codes Useful?

QR codes are useful for providing quick fire information and could be seen as the modern day’s answer to the panflet, providing plenty of information with just the click of a button, which is available on the go. QR codes have become very popular in recent years, being used in abundance when it comes to their commercial use, with big companies having them placed on the back of products, with the prompt “Scan Our QR Code!” or something of the sort to entice the subject of the information into learning more about whatever it is that information is being provided on.

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