My Social Action Documentary Proposal


My ideal social action documentary video would involve climate education, it would be excellent to work with organisations who would accommodate the interest(s) of climate education, the debunking of animal agriculture and its harmful effects on the planet as well as what the people behind the organisations do and what sets them apart from the rest of the climate action network in Somerset.

My Target Audience

My target audience is young people in Somerset and the UK, because I would like to focus this final major project on climate education and educating the youth about climate change and what they can do to minimise their carbon footprint, most notably through dietary and consumer-focused alterations which we as people, are raised to believe are harmless. There is a profound ethical-issue with the intensive farming of innocent, sentient life and I am hoping to touch on this in my documentary. More specifically speaking, my target audience is mainly young people, but also a broader audience to intrigue as many people as possible. I would like for my video to intrigue people of all ages and gender is irrelevant with regards to who I am reaching out to.

All that I will say, is that I would like to target the classes of B to E, as I do not believe that A will be willing to watch such a documentary, however I can reach out to families and general audiences between the classes B to E, as I see them as more likely to show an interest and more willing to listen to the claims of the documentary which while it is an analysis and also a showcasing of the climate action network, there are some pre-conceived stances and ideas behind the documentary from I, the creator of the documentary as I would consider myself an eco-mentalist and a strong believer in the liberation of animals who do not deserve the fates that are sealed for them by an industry which is destroying the planet.

Creating the Documentary

Creating the documentary should be a long, but fairly simple process, first I will need to get in touch with the branches of the climate action network who I am looking to work alongside, and once this is all sorted out, I would like to make my own views and those of animal-rights advocates known and further stress that such an industry causes to our planet, our wildlife and our overall well-being. I will require a DSLR Camera, which I can rent from the AV centre and perhaps a full media-kit would be a more feasible option, to provide me with sound recording equipment and a tripod as well.

Once I have my equipment and the dates are sorted, I will collect footage for B-Roll and once this has been sorted out, I will film my interviews and my monologues which will of course be the main focus of the documentary, focusing on educating the general public, the Somerset Climate Action Network and the detrimental effects of animal agriculture and all of this will be incorporated into my documentary.


When it comes to the research I undertook for the documentary, I would list first and foremost the Somerset Climate Action Network and the research I did on them, I learnt of what they do as a group and I researched the different branches of the Somerset CAN. I have since gained more of an interest and I am very interested in pursuing talks with some of the organisations under the umbrella of the Somerset CAN. I also looked into Surge Activism and their work, delving deep into their investigations and uncovering truths about an industry which I believe is profoundly destructive for animals and humans alike.


The production plan is relatively simple and I wish to film with the organisations of which I am interested in communicating with, however I will also be putting together my own videos to include in the documentary, these will be my own personal explorations into the topics of which I would like discussed in the documentary. I intend for everything about the documentary to be to at a high-standard and I believe that I can produce something informative and I intend to challenge people’s perception with regards to the topics that I will discuss.


This video will be an excellent and in-depth analysis into the Somerset Climate Action Network and their branches, the animal agriculture industry and its detrimental effects and of course, climate education and what we can do as a society to inform and educate the general public about topics which absolutely need looking at and I believe that I can compose something excellent for this Final Major Project.

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