Research Plan

Research should be undertaken in a way that helps one to better comprehend a project and add insight into the project at hand.

My Research Plan for the Strode TV Project

My research plan is to look to the professionals of the ident world to get some inspiration on how to compose an ident to a good standard. I find the British television channels BBC Two and Channel 4 to have aced the practice of creating an ident and I will be looking at their work to learn more about how to make a good ident and how to set myself apart from the rest when I have finally put together my Strode TV Ident.

Most imperatively, I need to learn about my target audience and how to appeal to them and thus, I shall be carrying out audience research using surveys and production research shall also be undertaken to attain a better understanding of my production and how to compose it in a manor that is tasteful, with good editing, good uses of colour-theory and semiotics and of course, learn how to compile all of the necessary footage into an ident of around 10-15 seconds in run-time to make the ident short and sharp and most importantly, effective in commercialising the ident to the broader audience, of Strode TV.

Data Collection

Collecting data is very important when it comes to research, particularly data that comes from qualitative and quantitative research as it can provide the researchers with data such as statistics, ratings and opinions which are very useful to the researcher when they need to learn more about their audience which is why surveys/questionnaires are so useful in audience research. It is also beneficial, to look at the socio-economic backgrounds of the potential audience and to learn more about how to appeal to the classes that will be tuning in. While data can only paint a picture and cannot make the audience’s interests crystal-clear, carrying out such research can be very useful in learning more about appealing to your potential audience.

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