The Climate Anxiety Podcast Group Pitch Powerpoint

This pitch was made by five individuals and was presented by myself and four associates to create a pitch for our podcast on the topic of climate anxiety. I myself did not make this powerpoint and I believe it to be the work of two of the five people working on the project as a group, however specifics are unclear with regards to who in particular put the powerpoint together, but they were of course in the group.

When reflecting on the PowerPoint that we made, I believe that it could have been more detailed and included more substance to add to the intrigue of what our podcast would be about. For example there was too little with regards to research, something which I believe to be crucial in showing evidence of in a pitch, but as mentioned before I did not have a large role to play in this aspect of the group podcast project and at this point in time, I believe that I was working on attaining vox-pops from the general public among other duties I was tasked with to ensure that our project would be carried out in a well-orchestrated and professional manor. I tried my very best to uphold a good level of quality in the assignment in all aspects of production and I believe that I did do a good job, yet we all had a lot to learn as it was our first assignment and signs of less than professional practice are unfortunately evident. This is of course, nothing new for novices, but it is still worth pointing out and I believe that since this project, I have learnt mountains more about the subject of creative media studies.

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