My Production Plan for May 2022

My plan for May is to get as much research done as possible, because I have recently discovered that the main point of interest with regards to my written coursework is the research that I have undertaken, which has been branded to me by my tutor as the “scaffolding” of my project. I will undertake research which is relevant to the assignment and so I will be focusing on climate change, Feed Avalon and the greater Somerset Climate Action Network, cinematography and critiquing my own ability as well as my own work as a student on this course so far this term.

With the main interview, a good amount of B-Roll footage and a smaller yet still significant interview with a student having been carried out, some significant progress has been made during the Easter Holiday and I have full confidence that the rest of the production shall go smoothly, should communication and organisation be present factors in my future tasks in these next few weeks.

This week, (week beginning: Monday, 25th April 2022) I hope to complete some research documents on WordPress and confirm the research I have done and further appeal to the “scaffolding” proposition with regards to the style of research that I am to undertake.

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