What Is Social Action? Looking at Examples

Social action is the practice of taking part in our producing functional and practical productions and or actions such as short videos, documentaries, peaceful protests and marches to name a few methods of social action. The intent of social action is usually to aid in a cause, with the three most likely reasons being humanitarian, for the planet or for animals.

Above: A light-hearted social action video about the Western stereotypes of African men.

The above video discusses the Western stereotypes of African men, particularly in Hollywood and how they are portrayed in Western media. The four gentlemen in the video make their point that African men are by no means similar to how they are portrayed in Western media, using topics such as war, guns and shouting loudly as examples of the characteristics associated with African men in Hollywood. Ultimately, the purpose of the video is to tackle a stigma.

Above: The ‘Tea and Consent’ video from the Thames Valley Police.

The tea and consent video is fairly well-known in the UK, with the video being used to educate students on the topic of sexual consent, most commonly being shown to students in schools and colleges, however the video is generally useful to most audiences, particularly towards a younger demographic of individuals who might be naive and require further information with regards to sexual consent and how to conduct yourself properly in your sex-life.

Above: A video from the YouTube personality ‘Earthling Ed’ educating twelve year-olds on veganism and animal rights.

Earthling Ed is an animal rights activist, as well as an internet personality, author, public speaker and public vegan who hopes to shed light on the topic of veganism and the importance of animal rights and treating all sentient life on Earth fairly. In the above video, Ed Winters or ‘Earthling Ed’ speaks with twelve year-olds about the logistics of veganism and why it is a better way to live more ethically-consciously and sustainably.

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